I think most of you know I live in Canada
and that it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
It's late January so....
Today we had to go to our Natural Therapy Clinic for two appointments...
(not for me though, you'll see my Oct. session if you click on the above link)
which meant spending some time on the road which was
no problem on the trek to the clinic however...
on the way home we got dumped on.....
It could have been worse but we drove along at a reasonable rate for icy roads...
and all I could think of was how much fun I was going to have as soon as we got home!
These pictures were taken along a stretch of this picturesque road
we so enjoy riding on after going to this clinic.
The road is narrow with the homes either just up the grade on the left or
wedged on a small piece of land on the right with water frontage.
There is open expanse in some locations interspersed with homes and a park system.
This area has a few trails for walking and we went on them a few times.(check the link out)
I truly love the winter and once I get out of the car,
I'm "head over heals" diving for my snow covered sticks.