My Doodle Awardifications

Many Thanks Wyatt and Family!                                                            Way Cool from the Houndstooth Crew!

     Gardening with Wyatt                                                                                Tails and Tales

Many Thanks to Cristina and Jack, Kaiser and Farrusquinho!
Terrors of 4 Paws

Many Thanks to Cristina and Jack, Kaiser and Farrusquinho! again!
Terrors of 4 Paws

Many Thanks to Inger!
Desert Canyon Living

Many Thanks to Maggie and Mitch for their cartoonizing of my photo!
Maggie and Mollie

 from Joan
Peace Love and Pugs
a brand new collar...thanks a bunch!
Sophie receiving post mail!

Nanny McFur
thanks a heap....slurpies!

Finn chose me this time!
Finn's Dog Blog

and again from

Finn's Dog Blog

Sage from Sage Chronicles