Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Get Well Vibes~~~!

Ron is so good in a pinch...

since Jim's father, Pops,
 (pronounced Pups,with a canine reference) 
is not doing so well....

I was taken for a quick jaunt on MacDonald Hill.

I needed my exercise,
so Ron kept throwing the ball 
up the hill
down the hill.

This is the easy person's way out of walking a dog, I think.
But hey, if I get to chase Mr. Orangie, 
then it's all good!

Mr. Orangie thinks I don't know much.

If I do a "roll over" manouever
then he won't know
that I know....

that by resting for a moment...

I can take in this view and feel peace.

This is all I want for Pups
because he is so good to me.
Do you think he can feel
the get well ~~~vibes~~~
I'm sending him?