Sunday, March 13, 2011

'Manual Mode' Guinea Pig!

Today the guys informed me that I was going to become a guinea pig!
I'm a Labradoodle!

The springlike weather, temps and sunshine were driving the people to the beaches.
Just across the river from me this family and dogs 
were looking like the decision to come to the beach was
the right one...serenity.

The ball was thrown as far out as possible which is what I like
'cause that means I can run and get wet!

As I retrieve the ball I notice people and puppies
on my side of the river and beach.

Bob, the Golden Retriever was beyond himself with energy
not to mention the Border Collie, whose name I missed.

This fine fellow, Kody the Weimaraner
was bit timid but I know if I spent some time 
with him he'd be socialized just like the rest of us.

I wondered a few times about 
the guinea pig reference
as I prepared to rocket up to catch my ball.

Apparently, the guys are shooting everything in Manual Mode today.
 Thus, a guinea pig was needed 
and since I have 4 legs
I fit the billing.