My daddy Ron loves to wear his new cap emblazoned with the words.....
Sleeps with Dogs
I trust I understand what it means. I sleep a lot and perhaps that's why he enjoys his new found chapeau!
As young pup, I used to sleep on his foot!
I even slept on Jim's foot once(kidding)...all the time!
I'll even laid down and snuggled with my 'bestest' friend, Miss V.
Xmas is a perfect time to just hang out on the floor. 'Ho Ho Ho' to the person who thought it was, oh so funny, at my expense to put that ridiculous hat on me. I'll find you and lick you...hear me!
I feel so good with my plush squeeky toy nestled in my jaw.
As long as I have my sofa, I'm content.
So...this is Ron's newest acquisition, I hope he doesn't crowd me when I need my beauty sleep!