Friday, June 28, 2013

Sweet Joy in the Morning !!

Up good and early ~~~
it maybe not be 
'bright and early'
but I had a grand time!

The sand has returned to Lawrencetown Beach
which means we get to walk the full expanse
and in this case
with very few people.

When it's overcast like this
the ocean is calm
with a few waves trying 
to amount to something.

This was absolutely perfect for me
because I've been spending
the last 3 weeks protecting 
my paw from unexpected
twists and turns that I'm noted for ~~~
Doodle Dancing you know!

 Daddy Jim is overjoyed too
because walking the beach had been put on hold for this period.

See, Jim!
My paw feels really good.

Even your teasing game
I can handle.

The right - left ear flap - head bob with Mr. Orangie
usually tells me that I'm feeling so much better.


Next time I'll show you who else was on the beach!