Hi Ho!
I'm standing in the warm lake water
along the edge of Lake William
outside the city.
Do you see all that yellow?
Well, it's pollen
it's everywhere right now.
I won't let that bother me in the least.
I have some swimming to do
so I can strengthen my leg.
Very peaceful here
as you will see!
This is perfect for me right now!
Passing the neighbour's bright yellow boat and dock
I knife through the water allowing my paws to pull me into the shore,
also, my rudder tail helps direct me.
Oh yes, Mr. Orangie
helps me out a lot.
Wouldn't be a good swim without Ol' Faithful!
The dog paddle ~~ stroke after stroke!
I know I'm getting better
as each day passes!
I hope you are enjoying your day
as much as I am.
Come in for swim next time!