Tuesday, February 5, 2013

No Horsin' Around!

After this passed weekend's debaucle, Ron and I decided to take in
something a little more calming and soothing for the soul.

Down the road there are some horse stables,
that are owned by our next door vet.

From this vantage point along the Salt Marsh Trail, <<click
we can get fairly close for some photos
without disturbing these beautiful creatures.

I stood on guard as Ron snapped away.
You can see behind me this frozen inlet,

The vet's home is quite lovely, very quaint with plenty of space for the horses to run.

The horse's silhouette is quite striking.

I have my eye on these one's which seem to be feeding.
Food? Hello!

Everything was very nonchalant and relaxing here today.

The horses didn't seem fazed in the least with our presence.

I suspect they are used  to walkers, bikers, joggers and dogs
slipping by on a regular basis.
No threats, so idyllic and peaceful, this existence
it's just around the corner from my house.
How lucky am I!