Friday, August 17, 2012

Up the Slope Pt 1

Today my Dads attended a funeral of someone they didn't know,
but was close to Jim's sister... her partner's father.

I came along too,
and waited patiently in the car
while they attended the service...
the temperature was cool
so leaving me in the vehicle with
the windows down was just fine.

When they returned to the car,
we headed into the city to get something to eat
and finally found a take out sandwich/salad/everything else place....
major jackpot...the food is unbelievably good.

The weather began to change and the humidity
started smothering us again.

So we headed home because Ron gets headaches
when the weather changes this quickly.

He slept for a couple hours and 
then they wanted to know if I wanted
to go to MacDonald Hill for some fresh air!
Imagine having to ask....!

Am I grateful?

I'll sit and pose for anyone if I can come here
and soak up the view and fresh breezes.

I've learned that listening usually gets me what I want...
and you just wouldn't believe
what I got up and over that hill 

Follow me up the path and you'll see!