Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sally and her Owner

Just above Jim's hat, you can see a tiny beach.
This is where the video below was taken.
We have run into Sally and her owner
many times on our strolls through
Point Pleasant Park.
She brings Sally for an outing
and being a Border Collie loves to fetch
her frisbee type ring.

The video is long just over 6 minutes
so zip through it if you feel like
or get a good cuppa cuppa (tea or java)
and put up your feet.

You'll see how agile Sally's owner is for her age and condition...

She sees this every time she visits with Sally and
walks the park paths without a care in he world.
Oh to be as nimble as her when I'm her age.

Early spring we spied her taking photos of  little bluets (flowers)
growing along this walkway.
We thought that maybe she is a photographer.
It's intriguing and we will find out more
about our elusive Sally and her owner.