Wednesday, September 4, 2013


These passed couple weeks we have been living through a deluge of rain.
One day on my favourite canal jaunt
we arrived with the clouds moving in and over us
and you can see the mist rising from the forest.

Looking straight up!
Oh yes, but not to view the clouds of course,
but to catch my friend.

The canal was still,
but not so much after I caught Mr. O
 leaving ripples up and down the waterway.

I'm like an arrow shot out of a crossbow.
Aim, shoot and Bingo !

The darkness was evident behind me
but as you can see the clouds were beginning to break.

Another day we started over favourite city jaunt
at Point pleasant Park
look what happened while I was returning to shore.
Raindrops and warm air,
such an unusual feeling 
because I'm so used to raindrops and cool air.
A much welcomed change.

Then into the car for 1/2 hour drive home.
Meeting and passing these 2 horses,
I was glad to be back in my warm seat
gauging everything from my dry
point of view!

(from our the kitchen window will it ever stop?)