Our world turned golden the other afternoon.
Daddy Jim became fixated on the scene behind me
and for crying out loud
wouldn't you too!
Just look at those colours, textures and natural designs.
(check out Daddy Jim's blog header for the results)
It appears to be a warm wind blowing over my face
but in reality because we are heading towards winter,
the sweet warm winds are but a memory.
This is the sunset behind me,
so you can see why the colours are so vibrant
on the beach shoreline....
I might add....I think this is the same sunset that drenched the Colorado area
very recently as well....
check out Louise's blog>>Standing into Danger and you'll see an amazing sunset there too,
as well as Terry's blog>>Moondance Ranch ....truly unbelieveable skies in the west!
thus magnificent possibilities with one's camera.
Even our stones seem to catch the smallest glimpses of sunset gold scattered haphazardly
over the grey sands.
I follow Daddy Jim off the beach
and into the dune grasses.
I have a habit of 'rounding up' just like a Border Collie.
Keeping everyone together,
however this time I just
slowly turned and checked out
Ron's positioning and was satisfied
that he was close.
Ambling along after a short sprint on the beach,
I could feel the slight hint of sunset warmth
brush over my body.
I wonder if Daddy Jim feels the same way.
For some reason I think not.
The clouds, dune grasses and sun seem to be dancing together.
See the rays of sun reaching upwards.
So long beautiful sunset,
thank you for capturing us
once again.