Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sophie with her eye on somethin'

We three amigos ventured to the beach again
today to witness 
the ocean in all's it's
action and beauty.

 Through the dune grasses heading straight for the ridge to see my beach....

 The aerosol spray was lifting off the crest of the waves...

 all along the beach we were witnessing Mother Nature during another one of her moments!

 These vigilant surfers with more in their veins than blood kept waiting for the perfect wave...

 Jim was readying for a video....

 capturing this view in an instant....

  to reinenforce the surfers were dotted along the shoreline watching and waiting...

I knew I had my eye on somethin' today...
only thing is I couldn't go in that water
for a swim because the temperatures
are dropping and I didn't have my wet suit on.