Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Frustration vs Cuteness!

 This is how I felt the other day...
~~~Calm, serene and peaceful~~~
until I sat down to compose 
a new post
update a new header.

 Muddled, vagueness...

 Jarring confusion....

 close to exhaustion....

 However, my nieces helped bring me back...

 even if they wanted to hide their faces behind Pookie...

 or Snookie...

They(including the 2 new stuffy wuffys)
 invited me to sit with them while they
hot milk cake with blueberries and butterscotch sauce!

Then, because they ate so much
I needed a good tummy rub.
Oh, that feels so good.
Now back to the Blogger hiccup
~~~internal error when trying to upload a picture to header~~

Anyone out there having the same problem?
Handy helpful hints are much appreciated
with details of course,
'cause I might take pretty pictures
but get all discombobulated with jargon.


I have returned to the land of before...
Dynamic View 
ain't my cup of tea
right now!