Wednesday, March 18, 2015


So this is what happened in the last 24 hours.
a late winter sky-opening snow cover
as big as all get out!

The winds blew and howled drifting so much snow.

covering absolutely everything

almost covering up our blue/green horse weather vane
on the clematis covered driveway fence

This is truly the 1st time in my 8 years
that I have ever had to deal with this amount and height of snowbanks.

But when a girl has to go ~~~

well, a dame has to relieve herself ~~~

underneath my favourite snow-peaked birdhouse
(only one here 
even if it looks like 2)

But with all this surprise of white fluffies,
look what I found just for you guys!
A SNOWHEART on our pear tree!
(will this make the pear blossoms come sooner?)

Here I am foraging my way through the snow drifts out our back door!
(You'll see the SNOWHEART to the right near the end!)

 Mid-March in Nova Scotia!
It's either cold 
or some form of snow!
No wonder School Break is this week.
Really they don't know what they are missing!