Private showing time at a garage sale the other day
with an Ella Fitzgerald,
a ukulele,
an adult-rated barracks room ballad album
to top the bill.
Laughs all around got the ball rolling.
I wedged in behind Jim taking it slowly
but with determination.
Since it was dark inside at first
after being outside in the bright light,
I couldn't see my head for my tail.
But even if I am shorter than Jim and Ron,
I can help with figuring out what's what
especially under this table.
Anyone need a new / old blender?
Vintage everything covered every piece of furniture
so it took awhile to scan the lot and then take time to
make a judgement call as to whether it was a sale or not.
This is what I mean about humans,
if they only had my nose-sniffing
I could zip & whip
through that barn in no time flat.
Lickity Split I tell you.
In the meantime I sniffed this clover,
this lonely clover
waiting for the inevitable
a cozy blanket of snow