This weekend,
this last weekend in February
which normally is fr-fr-fr-freezing cold to the nth degree in Nova Scotia
was absolutely grand
it absolutely put a spring (pun intended) in my step
I trotted off into the park with Jim
while Ron hugged the shore path
(which is a non-doggy area after 10 a.m.
so I couldn't take his path)
so I couldn't take his path)
I sniffed the grassy trails
and left a few calling cards like all the other doggy's 'do do'!
(Psst ~ lots of 'do do' doggy pooper scooper picker uppers everywhere
Keeping the park clean is my mantra)
The birds, oh yes even the birds could feel SPRING in the air.
I just know with paws crossed that SPRING
is descending upon us super fast this year.
See the flowers are in bloom in this window!
This is a sign I just know I'm right!