Our world, like your world,
is full of yin and yang moments...
the late summer into autumn~~~warmth and sunshine
to Winter's....cold, freezing, biting, yet brilliant vistas
Green, alive, lush and supple turf
vs dried, brittle, barren, and austere dune meadow
Warm spectrum colours~~~red, rust, golden verdants
vs cold spectrum colours~~~blue, grey, ice waters
All in all we feel blessed as we drive home from our
city sojourns whether at the park or
needing our Starbuck's.
We appreciate our environment and throw ourselves
into our world.....experiencing everything it has to offer.
and with this
hot ~ cold
yin ~ yang
up ~ down
feminine ~ masculine
angle I have chosen today
I know that SnoozeVille is always waiting for me
in the backseat of the car.