Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I took the guys to Point Pleasant Park the other day
and we parked on the lower level
beside this huge snowbank
covered in seagulls.

The tide was low so it afforded us an easy view of the lighthouse on McNab's Island.

Jim and I trotted up the hill which takes us into the innards
of the park where dogs are allowed to run free.

~~~ and Ron continued down the shoreline road
taking in all the quietness and serenity
of this bright winter's day.

a monument dedicated to
" To commemorate the personnel of the Armed Forces of Canada 
who lost their lives at sea in the performance of their duties and for whom there is no known grave."

~~~ floating aimlessly along the harbour shoreline
were these mergansers seemingly oblivious to humans
and vessels nearby.

The gulls outnumbered all the other birds as usual
which is just fine with my Dads
because the unexpected photo colours, angles and combinations
always result in "oh my, look at this!"

We are back Ron!
I think it's time to head back home
through the snow banked city streets.
We have to be so very very careful
driving these narrow routes
because damage to your vehicle
is so very easy,
as we can attest to, 
that's right folks!
We had a hit and run two weeks ago.
One good thing from all this is that we had a Malibu for the sojourn.
Who loves a Malibu?
We do!!