Hi, over there!
It's 'yours truly' over here!
This is a bog, a cranberry bog that I so enjoy exploring.
Look what has landed and taken over my world ~~
Moisture laden tentacles seem to be reaching out in all directions!
Standing tall amongst all the vegetation
as if surveilling the land?
A little humour thrown in ~
as I see this "band leader" with baton in hand.
What in the world is going on?
I know this toad wasn't about to hang around for any tete a tete!
I do believe I have stumbled upon an almost alien-like world in my bog.
Even though there are larger, more scarier things in this world
by looking down around you
things can appear somewhat the same,
but really it's just
life in a bog
survival of the fittest!
It is all around us
this is our world.