Sunday, April 28, 2019


The secret of patience
is to do something else
in the meantime.

 heading off to a wharf and chilling
always sounds good to me.

Waiting for those arms to spread
encouraging me to run to Jim.

And zeroing in on Mr. Orangie
all help while waiting for our visit to Dr. Lindsay
Monday at the vet.

Fingers crossed folks

Friday, April 19, 2019


Since we have been cooped up all winter
we decided it was time for a breather
a few hours of nothing but 
zen & peaceful views
for our souls.

Grand Pre 
is located outside of Wolfville, N.S.
a hop skip and jump
from Ron's hometown.

As I sniff this place for the 1st time
I have to make sure all is fine.
Check mark!
It is.

The land is low lying as you can see.
The winds blow fiercely at times
which isn't bad at all.
There is a grand view of Cape Blomindon 
as viewed in the 1st picture
and the picture below here.

This huge table top-like etched map of the view
is quite remarkable.
The streets of Wolfville are clearly visible,
even Prospect St where Ron spent 23 years.

 The dykes are part of the legacy and
are deep within our DNA and history.
Coming to this view brings back so many memories
of the lands you see in the distance.
I, (Sophie) love this place.
I do believe the guys brought me here today
for a deep cleansing.
We needed time to reflect and to just be.
Ron here now ~ |~ Sophie has been on 
medication for over a week now,
with very little change.
Another week to go.
Her breathing is laboured when she becomes excited.
She sleeps and eats well,
but being a parent I can notice a huge change
related to her age.
~ One day at a time ~

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


I have been teaching everyone that
is pretty much
all one has when waiting 
for results from your vet.

Since Daddy Ron used the spray form 
of a bronchodilator 20 years ago, 
when the Dr. mentioned the pill form
he understood what I was going through.
~ dilating the bronchi and bronchioles,
decreasing resistance in the respiratory 
airway to increase airflow to the lungs ~

My symptoms which are 'asthma-like'
would appear when I walked uphill,
long distances or even sustained short walks.
Fingers crossed !
So with a strong heart, a huge appetite and loving licks,
I leap forward to tomorrow when I drop into the vet to pick up my pills!

Cheers, as always.

Monday, April 1, 2019


As I mentioned to a longtime fellow dog lover blogger recently

"I am in a tail spin, sort of now, 
with returning with dear Sophie's world.
She hasn't been herself lately 
after recently reading John Grey's from Wales blog post
about congestive heart failure,
I suspect Sophie 
may be heading down that avenue as well"

I made an appointment for last week
but couldn't bring myself
to accept that Sophie
may be ill.

We are watching her closely
ever so much.

April 1st 
of all days to share this.

I can only hope it will be a joke,
but I really don't think so.

Blessings to all!

Ron & Jim